Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Good Feeling Workout

Okay I am dripping in sweat as I type this but I wanted to write this down before I got ready for work
So today I did the 12 minte cardio workout by Lisa on Bodyrock but to make it longer I did 24 rounds instead of the 12...So I did each exercise twice then moved onto next exercise...It hurt

10xhigh knee and 10xmontain climbers   50rep/50rep    40rep/40rep
2xsquat jump then 2 push ups then 1 tuck jump  I lost count of my reps...arond 4 sets of each both times i think
Centre to Elbow jump L and R then 2 lef jump  9 sets 5 sets
Clean and Press, Squat and Press then push up  4 sets 5 sets  done with 2 10lb DB
5 Tuck Jump, 1/2burpee and squat holdx 5     3 sets  3 sets
Spider Knee pushup and straight leg push up  Could only do this on my knees, i was dying  12   8
Switch Lunge and Press  10   10  with 2 10lb DB
Side Lungex2, Pnchx2, tuck jump x2  8 sets  8 sets
10 squats, 10 sqat jump (with  20lb KB)  17/10     16/10
Elbow to Knee Jumps  total reps  47   51
Wide Leg Jumps with p/u  6   12
Speed Run  completed

So that was a good one, felt my low back a little sore on the sqauats
Ill write my diet later,,,i have to go to work!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Great job and very brave. I will do it tonight but only once through.
